Most every morning when I walk to the Silver Spring Metro station I see a red motorized wheelchair parked in a corner of the glass "V" bus shelter at Bonifant Street and Dixon Avenue. The wheel chair is occupied by a slumped individual with a coat draped completely over his or her person.
One morning I actually observed a passing pedestrian lift up the corner of the jacket to check if the person was OK (i.e. alive). At that moment I still couldn't make out the person's gender.
It was thus with great surprise and concern that I saw the red motorized wheelchair with its fully revealed occupant today around noon sitting next to the Safeway on Fenton Street. An elderly homeless man was sleeping in the wheelchair under the shade of a tree.
Does anyone know anything about this individual? It deeply distresses me that here in Montgomery County, one of the wealthiest counties in the nation, this disabled senior citizen is living out on the streets of our "revitalized" community.
I suspect that if this man decided to spend the night or take a nap on Ellsworth Drive, he wouldn't be there long. Surely our local social services know of this individual. Why is he not being helped?
Any insights would be welcomed.
This gentleman was sleeping at the "V" bus shelter this morning at 7:45 am.
This gentleman was sleeping at the "V" bus shelter this morning at 7:45 am.